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Price: $10.99

Item Number: OD2219P

Layout Ready for you...FRESH FISH PILES O Scale Details.......make a cutting table or use them as dock or ship details to detail a "fish hold" on a ship or fish catch on a dock / waters edge

Attention to Detail makes a Layout Great....additional Designs below

O Scale People, Gone Fishing, Fisherman with his Pole and Boat, Finished
Price: $19.99
O Scale People, Gone Fishing, Fisherman with his Pole and Boat, Finished
GONE FISHING.......the whole set...the fisherman with his pole and fishing line included. As well as his small fishing rowboat and boat oars too ! Great little set that comes pre painted for you ! O Scale Figures by Model Tech Studios LLC
O Scale People, The Fisherman inspecting his CRAB Catch, Finished
Price: $10.99
O Scale People, The Fisherman inspecting his CRAB Catch, Finished
Hal the Fisherman has his Fresh Crab in his hands, inspecting his fine catch. How Unique ! An actual crab in scale being held up by a proud fisherman. O Scale Waterfront Figures by Model Tech Studios LLC
O Scale People, The Fisherman in Slicker with Fish, Finished
Price: $10.99
O Scale People, The Fisherman in Slicker with Fish, Finished
That famous "YELLOW SLICKER" outfit that defines classic Fishing scenes. "Ralph" the fisherman has his fish tub in hand with a fresh caught fish in it too !! O Scale People custom created to be a centerpiece in your scenes