Super Detail your O Scale Building Rooftops, O Scale Interior and Structure Exterior detailing. Make your O Scale buildings the most detailed and realistic they can be. Let Model Tech Studios LLC help you ......
Classic Derrick for freight loading, coal, logging, waterfront operations etc. The Main crane is ALREADY assembled in the box....that's right...all you do is paint and rig it and you're done. O Scale Super detailed Derrick Crane by Model Tech Studios LLC
MSRP: $25.99
Price: $23.99
You Save: $2.00 (8 %)
Portable Crane for use in a Warehouse, Loading Dock, Wharf, Engine Facility, Factory etc. Comes Built up and Finished
O Scale Detailed Crane
O Scale People Checkout Boy and Counter Set Finished
Add this essential detail to any of your stores or shops
includes the detailed counter with register and goods and the checkout boy hard at work
O Scale Detail 1950s-60s era Telephones -Desk Model FINISHED
3 Pack of Vintage Desktop or Tabletop- counter Style Telephones. These O scale Details come Painted for you
Classic Rocking Chairs in O Scale. This 2 Pack comes finished and ready for your O Scale Layout Scenes. Model Tech Studios LLC
O Scale Rustic Stone Water Well. Comes all built and finished on an Approx 2" diameter base that can be easily blended into your existing layout groundwork. Very nicely detailed in O scale
O Scale Building Rooftop HVAC Mechanical Variety Pack Finished Details. Rooftop detailing comes all weathered and ready for your O scale Structure rooftops by Model Tech Studios LLC
Got Rooftops on your layout ? You need a good chimney sweep to keep those chimney's working safely. Finished Chimney sweep O Scale Figure by Model Tech Studios LLC
O Scale Detail Gas Pump and Air Pump set, Gravity Fed style unpainted. They come assembled for you...just add on the supplied hoses and your color scheme and they are ready to go. O scale Gas station details by Model Tech Studios LLC
Super Detailed Set of 10 interior wall shelves. O Scale details to make your Interiors come alive. This is a great set for detailing.
MSRP: $8.99
Price: $7.99
You Save: $1.00 (11 %)
O Scale Chain for Logging, Cranes, Ships/ Boats or any other Scale detailing. Approx 12 Inches in length per pack. Approx 15 links per inch perfect for O scale modeling
This worker is busy stacking Sacks. With his sack in hand and his pile he has started this makes a great " In action working" scene detail set. Perfect for a country store, grain and feed company scene, loading dock detail etc. 1/48 scale figure set.
Rooftop Variety Pack of TV Antennas. 3 different antennas included with 3 of each style. Simply attach the vertical pole and paint silver or black. Fast one night additions to your O scale building rooftops.
O Scale Merchant Shelving, Loaded with Goods for sale.
2 Pack comes detailed and Finished for you. Detail your storefronts, general store, drug stores, gas station scenes etc.
MSRP: $36.99
Price: $35.99
You Save: $1.00 (3 %)
REAL Working Pole YARD LIGHTS for Railyards, Scrapyard Scenes, Loading Dock Areas, Freight Areas, Docks and Wharfs ....endless uses BULK 8 Pack. These are LED's which last far longer than "micro bulbs" & they run cold with no excess heat buildup
REAL Working Pole YARD LIGHTS for Railyards, Scrapyard Scenes, Loading Dock Areas, Freight Areas, Docks and Wharfs ....endless uses 2 Pack. These are LED's which last far longer than "micro bulbs" & they run cold with no excess heat buildup
Popular Smoke Jack Style Roof Vents.....Used on both Buildings and Boats as Rooftop Exhaust Stacks. They come in a 3 Pack and are all Finished for you in O Scale.
BULK Pack of 8 O Scale Lamp Shades are wired with Long Lasting LED's. Perfect for over a loading door as shown in the picture....or any other Building Wall use. They don't build up heat when operating so they are good for any building material.
This O Scale 2 Pack of Lamp Shades are wired with Long Lasting LED's. Perfect for over a loading door as shown in the picture....or any other Building Wall use. They don't build up heat when operating so they are good for any building material.
No More Fussing with glue on clear styrene and having it fog up from the more fingerprints on your windows...... no more dropping the glass from your tweezers while trying to fit it in ( and not smear it with glue at the same time)
This Pack contains 2 Booth sets with seats and tables....1 Large (double) and 1 single booth. Great to compliment our Soda Jerk Figure too. O Scale Interior Detailing Set
2 Pack of Building Wall Hoists in O Scale. They come finished and ready to mount on your Structure walls. Very nicely detailed down to the bolts !
O Scale Air Conditioners for Building Windows or Wall, 4 Pack, 2 Sizes Included. Have these Air Conditioner units hanging out of your Building Windows.
Industrial Gas Meter/ Fuel supply detailing for your Larger Industrial Structures. This unit mounts right to your structure walls and allows for fuel intake detailing to make your O scale Building's more realistic. A smaller gas meter is also available
Supply your O scale Building's with their Fuel. These Gas meters are perfect for Commercial building's, Residential, tenements etc. We also offer a larger Industrial Style for Industry Structures.
Bring Power Detailing to your Structures....Detailing includes, Single, Double and Triple Power Meters, Junction Box and Power Heads plus Conduit. 13 Piece Set in O Scale to create any Configuration you need...completely modular for easy use !
SAWING....SAWING...SAWING... IN ACTION sawing Workshop figure, O Finished (includes Sawhorse too),
O Finished Figure and Sawhorse with saw too !
Many "workshop" figures you see on layouts are just standing around not "doing" anything....
2 pack of O Scale Detail wall mounted dust collectors
They come Pre Finished
Attach right to your existing structure walls and add an instant
DUST COLLECTION / Exhaust system to your building.......
REAL LIFE DETAILING that makes a difference !
O Scale FIRE SAFETY Pack of 3, Building Detail Essentials, Pre Finished
Detail your Structures for Fire Safety ! These emergency pull handle boxes hang near doors either exterior or interior.
O Scale Blacksmith FORGE, Detail Set includes the Stone Pit, Exhaust Hood and Stack, Water Pail, Anvil and Bellows. Super Detail your Industry scenes, Engine Repair Facility, Logging operation, Farm Blacksmith scene etc.