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O Scale Model Railroad Building and Structure Kits

O Scale Creative Kits, Super Detailed to create entire scenes with custom one of a kind detailing.  We create new details for every kit !!  Our Kits are easy to assemble with mostly pre milled and pre cast parts.  We design them to be built up and super detailed.....full of CHARACTER !!


3-D Backgrounds, narrow in profile ....We are the Original 3-D Background design company and still lead the way in Unique Architectural scenes and structures to add that extra "layer" of depth at the back of your layout.
O Scale Industrial Equipment that service your industries, trackside, Logging and construction scenes. Very Unique Steam Era and Transition period equipment never before produced !!
Do you have a waterfront ? We are the industry leader in creative waterfront modeling with a vast selection of waterline ships, docks, dock structures and waterside super detailing......right down to the seagulls floating in the water !!
Displaying products 1 - 30 of 41 results
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O Scale Details Light Up your WorkYards Railyards Wharfs BULK 8 Pack
MSRP: $36.99
Price: $35.99
You Save: $1.00 (3 %)
O Scale Details Light Up your WorkYards Railyards Wharfs BULK 8 Pack
REAL Working Pole YARD LIGHTS for Railyards, Scrapyard Scenes, Loading Dock Areas, Freight Areas, Docks and Wharfs ....endless uses BULK 8 Pack. These are LED's which last far longer than "micro bulbs" & they run cold with no excess heat buildup
O Scale Details Light Up your WorkYards Railyards Wharfs 2 Pack
Price: $11.99
O Scale Details Light Up your WorkYards Railyards Wharfs 2 Pack
REAL Working Pole YARD LIGHTS for Railyards, Scrapyard Scenes, Loading Dock Areas, Freight Areas, Docks and Wharfs ....endless uses 2 Pack. These are LED's which last far longer than "micro bulbs" & they run cold with no excess heat buildup
2024 WINDOW PRO GLAZING, No Fuss Crystal Clear Windows
Price: ON Sale TODAY
2024 WINDOW PRO GLAZING, No Fuss Crystal Clear Windows
No More Fussing with glue on clear styrene and having it fog up from the more fingerprints on your windows...... no more dropping the glass from your tweezers while trying to fit it in ( and not smear it with glue at the same time)
O Scale Blacksmith FORGE, Detail Set
Price: $26.99
O Scale Blacksmith FORGE, Detail Set
O Scale Blacksmith FORGE, Detail Set includes the Stone Pit, Exhaust Hood and Stack, Water Pail, Anvil and Bellows. Super Detail your Industry scenes, Engine Repair Facility, Logging operation, Farm Blacksmith scene etc.
Price: $41.99
SALE...2 PACK SPECIAL OFFER...YES it spins just like the real thing !! ANIMATE your rooftops and make them look real. This vent just requires a 1/8" hole to be tapped in your rooftop
Price: $29.99
SPECIAL SPRING PACK OFFER.. over 100 scale feet, 360 degree Model view BELOW
O Scale Operating Building Exhaust Fan, Just Like Real !
Price: $24.99
O Scale Operating Building Exhaust Fan, Just Like Real !
JUST LIKE THE REAL THING !! this operational building wall fan actually spins to add that extra touch of animation to your building's....can be adjusted to spin slow or faster by the voltage you choose to operate it at....very unique animated detailing !
O Scale ROTATING-Roof Vent, Operational
Price: $24.99
O Scale ROTATING-Roof Vent, Operational
YES it spins just like the real thing !! ANIMATE your rooftops and make them look real. This vent just requires a 1/8" hole to be tapped in your rooftop and you can install an Real operating/spinning vent on your rooftop. Our Animated Detail line
Price: $9.99
How simple is it ? Attach 1 piece of PRE ASSEMBLED framework to the 1 piece PRE ASSEMBLED chain link....That's it ! You have instant O Scale CHAIN LINK FENCING ENTRY GATES. 2 Gates per pack may be used as 2 individual gates or combined as 1 wider gate.
O Scale Detail CHAIN LINK FENCE, 32 Scale Feet
Price: $10.99
O Scale Detail CHAIN LINK FENCE, 32 Scale Feet
How simple is it ? Attach 1 piece of PRE ASSEMBLED framework to the 1 piece PRE ASSEMBLED chain link....That's it ! You have instant O Scale CHAIN LINK FENCING in a few minutes. 32 Scale feet per pack Entry Gates are a separate pack if you require Gates
O Scale LAMPSHADE Jig...Make Perfect Gooseneck Lamps like the Pro's
Price: $10.99
O Scale LAMPSHADE Jig...Make Perfect Gooseneck Lamps like the Pro's
Make all the Lampshades you want....with this one jig It allows you to make either the Popular Gooseneck style or standard 90 Deg Lamp arms....THIS IS HOW THE PROS form perfect Lamp Arms you see in the photo's This O Scale Jig will last your lifetime !!
RollingStock WEATHERING Set.....Make your Plastic looking cars look more Real !
Price: $17.98
RollingStock WEATHERING Set.....Make your Plastic looking cars look more Real !
Take out of the box, Plastic looking Rollingstock and give it a makeover.....make it look "Roadworthy"......grimy and rusty with this can transform the look of your fleet quickly
O Scale FIRE ESCAPES, building side pack of 6 full stories -classic IRON ESCAPES
Price: $29.99
O Scale FIRE ESCAPES, building side pack of 6 full stories -classic IRON ESCAPES
Classic IRON fire escapes , 6 full stories includes the detailed grill/landing, stairs, pipe railing, support brackets....
O Scale One Ton PILLAR CRANE, BUILT UP and Aged
Price: $39.99
O Scale One Ton PILLAR CRANE, BUILT UP and Aged
The One Ton Industrial Loading Crane is a popular PILLAR Style used in many small industry applications...perfect for trackside, Railcar use...also WaterFront or Logging use. Comes Pre assembled with pre detailed........ Approx 2" sq Footprint
O Scale 1920's-50's Era SUBWAY Entrance, "The Underground"
Price: $59.99
O Scale 1920's-50's Era SUBWAY Entrance, "The Underground"
Make your layout appear to go "UNDERGROUND"....this Classic Victorian Flair Subway entrance gives your layout viewer the concept of the underground transportation that exists in so many cities... includes the stairs vanishing to the subway platform
O Scale WATER WELL, Perfect in a field or Building side !
Price: $13.99
O Scale WATER WELL, Perfect in a field or Building side !
Water Well....Timeless scale detailing....this is a one night fast finish kit that is all in pre cast and pre cut sections for a fast and fun finish....even includes the water bucket / pail......really neat scene detail !
Newspaper stand roadside kit O gauge
O Scale NEWSPAPER STAND Roadside Kit
Price: $24.99
O Scale NEWSPAPER STAND Roadside Kit
A 1-2 evening O scale Roadside scene Project includes Pre Assembled Section assembly for a hassle free finish. The news stand kit consists of highly detailed plastic casting's fast assembly complete with custom signs and newspapers, magazines too.
O Scale PRODUCE STAND Scene - Roadside Fruit & Veggies
Price: $29.00
O Scale PRODUCE STAND Scene - Roadside Fruit & Veggies
make up to a 6"L x 4" W scene includes Roadside sale signs.....Watermelon Wagon
O Scale Details, American Flags Waving, 4 pack
Price: $3.99
O Scale Details, American Flags Waving, 4 pack
4 Pack O Details Shown in Picture to right These flags are double sided and actually "Waving" to add a real dimension
O Scale Smalltown Station & Freight Shed SET Kit
Price: $75.00
O Scale Smalltown Station & Freight Shed SET Kit
FOOTPRINT approx station 6"L x 5"W freight shed 8"L x 6"W Beautiful and UNIQUE station with a flair of Victorian detailing....great for a siding or edge of a city or town setting.....matching set of the Station and Freight Shed....
O Scale Small Industry STRUCTURE Scene #2
Price: $99.99
O Scale Small Industry STRUCTURE Scene #2
Create your own unique small industry with a OPEN AIR WORKSHOP or GARAGE beside......HEAVY TIMBER construction pre cut wall & roof sections rooftop and building side details Comprised of PRE MILLED wood walls Precision cut .....
O Scale Small Industry Structure Scene #1
Price: $99.99
O Scale Small Industry Structure Scene #1
building 8" x 6" FOOTPRINT approx Create your own unique small industry pre cut wall & roof sections rooftop and building side details this kit is comprised of PRE MILLED Wood Wall sections
O Scale GEAR MANUFACTURING Company, Schultz Gear Company Scene
Price: $255.00
O Scale GEAR MANUFACTURING Company, Schultz Gear Company Scene
FOOTPRINT approx 20" L x 10" W Schultz Gear Manufacturing Company Scene comes with PRE MILLED and PRE CUT wall and roof sections.......much of the detailing is already built in for you............textured walls and roofs make for awesome weathering
Price: $255.00
Includes Detailed - Pre Cut Wall Sections Large Super Detailing Pile & much more
O Scale Repairmans Row WELDING REPAIR Shop
Price: $99.99
O Scale Repairmans Row WELDING REPAIR Shop
FOOTPRINT APPROX 8"L x 5" W Main Walls are Precision MILLED wood PRE MILLED AND PRE CAST SECTION assembly for fast and detailed construction.....Main wall sections are Precision wood cut Includes Detailed - Pre Cut Wall Sections
O Scale Repairmans Row SHOE REPAIR Shop
Price: $99.99
O Scale Repairmans Row SHOE REPAIR Shop
Includes Detailed - Pre Cut Wall Sections, Pre assembled roof panels for fast installation......service window, roof vents and building side details, instruction manual includes many images and color reference. FOOTPRINT APPROX 7" L x 4" W
O Scale Repairmans Row FURNITURE REPAIR Shop
Price: $99.99
O Scale Repairmans Row FURNITURE REPAIR Shop
FOOTPRINT APPROX 8" sq PRE MILLED AND PRE CAST SECTION assembly for fast and detailed construction.....Main wall sections are Precision wood cut Includes Detailed - Pre Cut Wall Sections, Pre assembled roof panels for fast installation......
O Scale RAILROAD STATION -- Rustic STONE Sided Kit
Price: $120.00
O Scale RAILROAD STATION -- Rustic STONE Sided Kit
O Scale Rustic Stone RAILROAD STATION Beautiful Rough cut stone station FOOTPRINT approx 12" L x 7" W......perfect for a siding or small branch station.......comes complete with woodplatform STONE WALLS are PRE CAST
Price: $125.00
Approx FOOTPRINT 8" Square Ornate Signal tower inspired by the Pennsy "J" or Lemo Tower design this beautiful tower has a subtle victorian flavor This Product is made from precision laser cut wood and contains cast plastic and metal detailing parts
O Scale McGilny’s WOODWORKING SHOP Kit w/interior shop
Price: $145.00
O Scale McGilny’s WOODWORKING SHOP Kit w/interior shop
Includes Interior Work Shop, with shelving & workbenches…. Detailed Sections make this a fast and easy assembly with the main structure going together in a night.......the interior workshop has timber framing and finished walls
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