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HO Scale Model Railroad Details and Accessories

HO Scale Super Detailing........ We make the most unique HO Scale Detail series available.......creative and prototype detailing to make your HO Scale Layout standout.  New Details are being created every month !!

"Introducing our New HO Scale FIGURE Series...Very Unique and Creative Characters for your Scenes"

HO Scale Industrial and Trackside Super Detailing includes our Popular Clutter Super Piles, Unique Industrial scene details that set your scenes apart !!
HO Scale Building Exterior, Interior and Rooftop Super Detailing Series. We offer some of the most unique Industrial Vents, Chimneys, Mechanical Units and Structure Accessories to Super Detail your Structures.
HO Scale Model Railroad Built up and Pre Finished Details and Building's for Model Railroaders worldwide to detail their Model Railroad Scenery and Layouts. HO scale Structure detailing as well as HO Scale trackside, city and waterfront detailing
Displaying products 1 - 30 of 332 results
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HO Scale People, Witch Flying on her Broomstick Finished Figure
MSRP: $11.99
Price: $10.99
You Save: $1.00 (8 %)
HO Scale People, Witch Flying on her Broomstick Finished Figure
Don't get on her bad side.....she is on her Broomstick Flying around your towns looking for her next victim. HO scale Figures by Model Tech Studios LLC
HO Scale Boat Runabout Sport SKI Boat assembled unpainted model
Price: $21.99
HO Scale Boat Runabout Sport SKI Boat assembled unpainted model
HO Scale Boat Sport Ski Boat model comes assembled and ready to finish in your color scheme. Highly detailed Sport boat Hull is approx 3 inches long
HO Scale Vehicle 1930s Delivery Truck FINISHED Model
Price: $44.99
HO Scale Vehicle 1930s Delivery Truck FINISHED Model
HO Scale Vehicle 1930s Delivery Truck FINISHED Model. Includes 2 sign options to apply to the Delivery Truck. A Hardware store or Mercantile Trading Company Sign set. Both Included
HO Scale Vehicle 1950s Hot Rod Muscle Car unpainted
Price: $19.99
HO Scale Vehicle 1950s Hot Rod Muscle Car unpainted
HO Scale 50s Hot Rod - Muscle Car. This Rod comes assembled and ready to jazz up in your own color scheme. Detailed vehicle in HO scale
HO Scale Vehicle 1940s Stakebed Truck kit unpainted
Price: $24.99
HO Scale Vehicle 1940s Stakebed Truck kit unpainted
Stakebed Work truck from the 1940s. The Truck comes assembled and nicely detailed. The Staked Bed comes pre cut and ready to glue assemble onto the back of the truck framework. Haul your commerce or equipment in this great period truck
HO scale Vehicle 1930s Convertible luxury car super detailed unpainted
Price: $22.99
HO scale Vehicle 1930s Convertible luxury car super detailed unpainted
HO scale Vehicle 1930 Convertible luxury car super detailed unpainted. This great period vehicle comes assembled and detailed and ready to finish in your color scheme.
Auto Salvage 1950s Truck Cab and Auto Parts Pack 2 Derelicts unpainted set
Price: $19.99
Auto Salvage 1950s Truck Cab and Auto Parts Pack 2 Derelicts unpainted set
1950s Derelict Truck Cab and Auto Parts Salvage pack 2. Beautifully detailed derelict Truck cab and a variety of Auto Salvage Parts ready to detail your Junk or Scrap Yard or derelict scenes.
Auto Salvage 1950s Truck Cabs Pack 1 Derelicts unpainted set
Price: $19.99
Auto Salvage 1950s Truck Cabs Pack 1 Derelicts unpainted set
1950s Derelict Truck Cabs pack 1. Beautifully Detailed Set of Truck Cabs detailed down to the exposed engines and interiors. They have detailing such as dents in the door, scrap parts/ junk thown in the interior. They sit up on wood timbers
HO Scale Boat Ski Jet Watercraft comes assembled unpainted
Price: $10.99
HO Scale Boat Ski Jet Watercraft comes assembled unpainted
HO Scale Ski Jet comes detailed, assembled and ready to finish in your color scheme. Fast 1 night addition to your waterways
HO Scale Boat BASS Fishing Boat hull comes assembled unpainted kit
Price: $17.99
HO Scale Boat BASS Fishing Boat hull comes assembled unpainted kit
HO Scale Boat BASS Fishing Boat hull comes assembled unpainted kit. Hull comes all pre detailed just attach the steering wheel and outboard motor and your boat is ready to finish in your color scheme. Fast and Simple Bass Boat
HO Scale Vehicle 1930s-40s Passenger Bus Assembled unpainted vehicle
Price: $29.99
HO Scale Vehicle 1930s-40s Passenger Bus Assembled unpainted vehicle
HO Scale Vehicle 1930s-40s Passenger Bus Assembled unpainted vehicle Comes Assembled, detailed, ready to paint in your color scheme.....SAVE HOURS fussing with tiny plastic parts and tweezers
HO Scale Vehicle 1920s 4 Door Sedan fully ASSEMBLED unpainted Model
Price: $19.99
HO Scale Vehicle 1920s 4 Door Sedan fully ASSEMBLED unpainted Model
HO 1920s 4 Door Sedan fully ASSEMBLED unpainted Model Comes Assembled, detailed down to the door handles, ready to paint in your color scheme.....SAVE HOURS fussing with tiny plastic parts and tweezers
HO Scale Backwoods Shack with Outhouse SCENE 1/87 structure Painted
Price: $29.99
HO Scale Backwoods Shack with Outhouse SCENE 1/87 structure Painted
HO Scale Backwoods Shack with Outhouse SCENE 1/87 structure Comes Assembled and Painted. Ready to add your specific layout ground turf to blend in with your layout scenes.
HO Scale Detail CRANE for warehouse, engine house, loading dock Finished
MSRP: $19.99
Price: $17.99
You Save: $2.00 (10 %)
HO Scale Detail CRANE for warehouse, engine house, loading dock Finished
Portable Crane for use in a Warehouse, Loading Dock, Wharf, Engine Facility, Factory etc. Comes Built up and Finished HO Scale Detailed Crane
HO Scale GEESE Canadian Geese 4 pack Unpainted details
Price: $8.99
HO Scale GEESE Canadian Geese 4 pack Unpainted details
HO Scale GEESE Canadian Geese 4 pack Unpainted details
HO scale Detail CATS in the trash Alleyway Cats FINISHED
Price: $9.99
HO scale Detail CATS in the trash Alleyway Cats FINISHED
HO scale Detail CATS in the trash Alleyway Cats FINISHED These 2 mischievous alleyway cats have struck again - in your trash. Finished scene maker detail
HO Scale 1920's-30's Era Vehicles, The Tire Delivery Truck, Finished
Price: $49.99
HO Scale 1920's-30's Era Vehicles, The Tire Delivery Truck, Finished
Old time Tire Hauling truck Loaded with Tires for Delivery Tons of tires out for delivery today. Really neat HO Scale vintage vehicle. Comes Finished in Ho Scale
HO scale Vehicle Vintage MOTORCYCLE 1940s era Finished Model
Price: $14.99
HO scale Vehicle Vintage MOTORCYCLE 1940s era Finished Model
HO scale Vehicle Vintage MOTORCYCLE 1940s era Finished Model Classic 1940's-50s Era Motorcycle comes Painted for you. HO scale Details by Model Tech Studios LLC
HO scale BICYCLES 3 Pack Painted
Price: $11.99
HO scale BICYCLES 3 Pack Painted
HO scale BICYCLES 3 Pack Painted
HO scale Vehicle Vintage MOTORCYCLE from the teens Finished Model
Price: $14.99
HO scale Vehicle Vintage MOTORCYCLE from the teens Finished Model
HO scale Vehicle Vintage MOTORCYCLE from the teens Finished Model. Detailed down to the engine. VERY RARE early motorcycle that you never see on Vintage HO Layout Scenes.
HO Scale 1920s Roadster ACCIDENT or Junkyard, Finished Model
MSRP: $49.99
Price: $48.99
You Save: $1.00 (2 %)
HO Scale 1920s Roadster ACCIDENT or Junkyard, Finished Model
This old time Roadster was Side Swiped. Smashed in with the axle bent too. Very hard to find old time accident vehicle. Make a scene on your HO layout with this unique HO model.
HO Scale 1930s Era Truck Hauling STEAM GENERATOR, Finished Vehicle
Price: $57.99
HO Scale 1930s Era Truck Hauling STEAM GENERATOR, Finished Vehicle
HO Scale 1930s Era Truck Closed Cab Hauling STEAM GENERATOR, Finished Vehicle Unique Scale Worktruck you don't see modeled ! HO Scale Vintage Worktruck series come Pre Built.
HO Scale 1920's-30's Era Vehicle, ELECTRICAL TRANSFORMER Hauling Truck Finished Worktruck
Price: $51.99
HO Scale 1920's-30's Era Vehicle, ELECTRICAL TRANSFORMER Hauling Truck Finished Worktruck
HO Scale 1920's-30's Era Vehicle, ELECTRICAL TRANSFORMER Hauling Truck Finished Worktruck - delivery needs for your towns. This vintage HO Scale Truck comes Finished and Layout Ready.
HO Scale Detail Raccoons in your Garbage, PRE AGED Layout Ready
Price: $9.49
HO Scale Detail Raccoons in your Garbage, PRE AGED Layout Ready
The Raccoons are in your Garbage. Building or Roadside Trash cans / trash pile with Raccoons digging in. HO Scale Detail comes Finished and ready for your scene making.
HO Scale People, Grocery Carrying Lady Finished 1/87 Figure
Price: $9.99
HO Scale People, Grocery Carrying Lady Finished 1/87 Figure
HO shopping lady with bag being carried Detailing for a Grocery Store, General Store, Marketplace or have her walking along a sidewalk on her way home. HO scale figure by Model Tech Studios LLC
HO Scale 1913-20's Era FIRE TRUCK, Finished Model
MSRP: $52.99
Price: $48.99
You Save: $4.00 (8 %)
HO Scale 1913-20's Era FIRE TRUCK, Finished Model
HO Scale 1913-20's Era FIRE TRUCK, Finished Model This vintage HO Scale Truck comes Finished and Layout Ready.
HO Scale Details, Rocking Chair 2 Pack Finished Model
Price: $9.99
HO Scale Details, Rocking Chair 2 Pack Finished Model
Classic Rocking Chairs in HO Scale. This 2 Pack comes finished and ready for your HO Scale Layout Scenes. Model Tech Studios LLC
HO Scale BOAT SERIES Aluminum Boat with Outboard Motor Finished
Price: $13.99
HO Scale BOAT SERIES Aluminum Boat with Outboard Motor Finished
HO scale Aluminum Boat with outboard Motor comes finished and ready for your Harbor or Waterfront Scene. Nicely Detailed Aluminum Boat. Outboard ships off the boat for shipping purposes
HO Scale People, Witches gathered around their cauldron, Finished set
Price: $15.99
HO Scale People, Witches gathered around their cauldron, Finished set
Don't get on their bad their cauldron making a special brew for those she wants to curse. Really neat small scene maker with awesome detailing. HO scale Figures by Model Tech Studios LLC
HO Scale Details CROWS Pack of 10 Finished
Price: $8.99
HO Scale Details CROWS Pack of 10 Finished
HO scale Birds - CROWS pack of 10 finished crows. Detail your rooftops, sidewalks, woodlands and piers with this popular bird. HO scale birds by Model Tech Studios LLC
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