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O Scale Detail Accessories

O Scale Super Detailing........ We make the most unique O Scale Detail series available.......creative and prototype detailing to make your O Scale Layout standout.  New Details are being created every month !!

"Just added NEW O Scale FIGURES...Very Unique and Creative Characters for your Scenes"

O Scale Industrial and Trackside Super Detailing Series including our popular Clutter pile series, Heavy Industry details and trackside detailing to bring your scenes to life !!
O Scale Model Railroad Built up and Pre Finished Details and Building's for Model Railroaders worldwide to detail their Model Railroad Scenery and Layouts. O scale Structure detailing as well as O Scale trackside, city and waterfront detailing
Model Tech Studios offers O Scale Model Railroad Kits and Detail accessories for O Scale Model Railroaders worldwide. New Model Railroad Structures and Details are released every month to create the most detailed Model Railroad Scen
Displaying products 1 - 30 of 223 results
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O Scale Baggage Wagon Finished Model, Layout Ready
Price: $24.99
O Scale Baggage Wagon Finished Model, Layout Ready
O Scale Built up and Finished Baggage Wagon / Baggage Cart. Comes ready for your O scale Layout scenes.
O Scale People Witch Flying on her Broomstick Finished figure
MSRP: $12.99
Price: $11.99
You Save: $1.00 (8 %)
O Scale People Witch Flying on her Broomstick Finished figure
Don't get on her bad side.....she is on her Broomstick Flying around your towns looking for her next victim. O scale Figures by Model Tech Studios LLC Really neat small scene maker. Have her flying over a Building Rooftop or taking off from the
O Scale Detail DERRICK / Jib crane kit, Just paint and rig it
Price: $29.99
O Scale Detail DERRICK / Jib crane kit, Just paint and rig it
Classic Derrick for freight loading, coal, logging, waterfront operations etc. The Main crane is ALREADY assembled in the box....that's right...all you do is paint and rig it and you're done. O Scale Super detailed Derrick Crane by Model Tech Studios LLC
O Scale 1950s Pickup Truck SCRAPYARD Stripped down with Exposed Engine FINISHED
MSRP: $56.99
Price: $54.99
You Save: $2.00 (4 %)
O Scale 1950s Pickup Truck SCRAPYARD Stripped down with Exposed Engine FINISHED
O Scale 1950s Pickup Truck SCRAPYARD Stripped down with Exposed Engine FINISHED Model. LIMITED EDITION in O Detailed down to the jarred open door, tire and junk piping in the bed, rusted out - junked old pickup truck
O Scale 1950s Truck Melting away Stripped down FINISHED
MSRP: $56.99
Price: $54.99
You Save: $2.00 (4 %)
O Scale 1950s Truck Melting away Stripped down FINISHED
O Scale 1950s Truck SCRAPYARD Stripped down melting away into the landscape LIMITED EDITION IN O Scale Detailed down old tires in thrown in the bed, open doors, deformed rusting fenders and more
O Scale Trash Can with Dog digging out Garbage Finished Detail
Price: $11.99
O Scale Trash Can with Dog digging out Garbage Finished Detail
O Scale Trash can being invaded by a stray dog. Darn dog has garbage all over the ground. 1:48 scale details by Model Tech Studios LLC
O Scale Detail CRANE for warehouse, engine house, loading dock Finished
MSRP: $25.99
Price: $23.99
You Save: $2.00 (8 %)
O Scale Detail CRANE for warehouse, engine house, loading dock Finished
Portable Crane for use in a Warehouse, Loading Dock, Wharf, Engine Facility, Factory etc. Comes Built up and Finished O Scale Detailed Crane
O Scale GEESE Canadian Geese 4 pack Unpainted details
Price: $11.99
O Scale GEESE Canadian Geese 4 pack Unpainted details
O Scale GEESE Canadian Geese 4 pack Unpainted details
O scale Detail CATS in the trash Alleyway Cats FINISHED
Price: $10.99
O scale Detail CATS in the trash Alleyway Cats FINISHED
O scale Detail CATS in the trash Alleyway Cats FINISHED These 2 mischievous alleyway cats have struck again - in your trash. Finished scene maker detail
O Scale Tree Stumps 6 Pack, Unpainted 1/48 details
Price: $12.99
O Scale Tree Stumps 6 Pack, Unpainted 1/48 details
O scale Tree Stump 6 Pack variety of sizes Parts come unpainted Also for S scale Use
O Scale Detail 1950s-60s era Telephones -Desk Model FINISHED
Price: $10.99
O Scale Detail 1950s-60s era Telephones -Desk Model FINISHED
O Scale Detail 1950s-60s era Telephones -Desk Model FINISHED 3 Pack of Vintage Desktop or Tabletop- counter Style Telephones. These O scale Details come Painted for you
O Scale Detail Industry Shelving, series 9, Pre Finished
Price: $12.99
O Scale Detail Industry Shelving, series 9, Pre Finished
Workshelving with all the "Bells and Whistles"...includes fuel tanks, Oil Drums, Gas Cans and LOADED shelving with cannisters, jars and containers as well as boxes. Packed with O scale details.
O Scale Detail Raccoons in your Garbage, PRE AGED Layout Ready
Price: $10.99
O Scale Detail Raccoons in your Garbage, PRE AGED Layout Ready
The Raccoons are in your Garbage. Building or Roadside Trash cans / trash pile with Raccoons digging in. O Scale Detail comes Finished and ready for your scene making.
O Scale Detail Building Side Oil Drum Rack, FULL of Oil Drums PAINTED
Price: $11.99
O Scale Detail Building Side Oil Drum Rack, FULL of Oil Drums PAINTED
O Scale Built Up and Layout Ready.....Building Side Oil Drum Rack, FULL OF OIL DRUMS
O scale Shopping Lady with shopping bag being carried 1/48 scale Figure
Price: $10.99
O scale Shopping Lady with shopping bag being carried 1/48 scale Figure
O scale Shopping Lady with shopping bag being carried. Detailing for a Grocery Store, General Store, Marketplace or have her walking along a sidewalk on her way home. O scale figure by Model Tech Studios LLC
O Scale Details, Rocking Chair 2 Pack Finished Model
Price: $10.99
O Scale Details, Rocking Chair 2 Pack Finished Model
Classic Rocking Chairs in O Scale. This 2 Pack comes finished and ready for your O Scale Layout Scenes. Model Tech Studios LLC
O Scale Sidewalk MAILBOX 4 Pack, Finished in Classic Blue
Price: $10.99
O Scale Sidewalk MAILBOX 4 Pack, Finished in Classic Blue
Got Sidewalks ? You need Lots of Mailboxes. Classic Postal Blue scheme PACK of 4 FINISHED Town / City Mailboxes. Classic Sidewalk O Scale Details by Model Tech Studios LLC
O Scale Details Water Well Stone Rustic Stone Finished Model
Price: $19.99
O Scale Details Water Well Stone Rustic Stone Finished Model
O Scale Rustic Stone Water Well. Comes all built and finished on an Approx 2" diameter base that can be easily blended into your existing layout groundwork. Very nicely detailed in O scale
O Scale Building Rooftop HVAC Mechanical Variety Pack Finished Details
Price: $19.99
O Scale Building Rooftop HVAC Mechanical Variety Pack Finished Details
O Scale Building Rooftop HVAC Mechanical Variety Pack Finished Details. Rooftop detailing comes all weathered and ready for your O scale Structure rooftops by Model Tech Studios LLC
O Scale Details CROWS Pack of 10 Finished
Price: $10.99
O Scale Details CROWS Pack of 10 Finished
O scale Birds - CROWS pack of 10 finished crows. Detail your rooftops, sidewalks, woodlands and piers with this popular bird. O scale birds by Model Tech Studios LLC
O Scale Detail Gas Pump and Air Pump set, Gravity Fed style unpainted
Price: $13.99
O Scale Detail Gas Pump and Air Pump set, Gravity Fed style unpainted
O Scale Detail Gas Pump and Air Pump set, Gravity Fed style unpainted. They come assembled for you...just add on the supplied hoses and your color scheme and they are ready to go. O scale Gas station details by Model Tech Studios LLC
O Scale Details, Bicycle - Female Bicycle unfinished
Price: $9.99
O Scale Details, Bicycle - Female Bicycle unfinished
Classic Bicycle Set of 1 Female Bicycle. Male Bicycle available as well in separate listing Unique detail often missing from street and sidewalk scenes
O Scale Detail, Interior Shelves set of 10, Super Detailing
Price: $14.99
O Scale Detail, Interior Shelves set of 10, Super Detailing
Super Detailed Set of 10 interior wall shelves. O Scale details to make your Interiors come alive. This is a great set for detailing.
O Scale Detail Newspaper and Magazine Vending RACKS, Finished
Price: $10.99
O Scale Detail Newspaper and Magazine Vending RACKS, Finished
Newspaper and Magazine Vending Rack set of 2. These come all finished with Newspapers and Magazines on them. Great to detail a Sidewalk outside a store, General store, Newspaper stand scene or in a Train or Bus Station. O scale Details
O Scale People, Train Conductor Finished Figure
MSRP: $11.99
Price: $10.99
You Save: $1.00 (8 %)
O Scale People, Train Conductor Finished Figure
Keep your Trains running safely with this key train crew member. In his classic pose with his hand up in the air calling instructions to passengers. Detailed down to his red neck tie. This crew figure comes Finished in O scale.
O Scale People, Train Dispatcher at work, Finished Set
Price: $23.99
O Scale People, Train Dispatcher at work, Finished Set
This train dispatcher is busy at work at his desk. Ensure safe operations of your rails with this essential figure. Highly detailed down to his microphone in hand, speaker, train sheet and logs. A truly unique O scale set comes all painted.
O Scale People, Grocery Carrying young man Finished
Price: $10.99
O Scale People, Grocery Carrying young man Finished
O Grocery bags being carried by this young man. Detailing for a Grocery Store, General Store, Marketplace or have him walking along a sidewalk carrying his groceries home. O scale figure by Model Tech Studios LLC
O Scale Details Rooftop TV Antennas 9 Pack
Price: $10.99
O Scale Details Rooftop TV Antennas 9 Pack
Rooftop Variety Pack of TV Antennas. 3 different antennas included with 3 of each style. Simply attach the vertical pole and paint silver or black. Fast one night additions to your O scale building rooftops.
O Scale Details MOONSHINERS Flasks, Bottles, Jars Finished Variety Pack
Price: $9.99
O Scale Details MOONSHINERS Flasks, Bottles, Jars Finished Variety Pack
A great variety pack of Whiskey / Moonshine Flasks, Bottles and Jars. This O scale Detail Pack comes all painted and layout ready for you.
O Scale Detail Road Cones, Finished 6 Pack
Price: $8.99
O Scale Detail Road Cones, Finished 6 Pack
O scale Road Cones, 6 Pack. They come finished and layout ready. 1/48 scale details by Model Tech Studios LLC
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