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O Scale Industry Power Generators 2 Pack, Great RailCar Loads too

Price: $36.99

Item Number: OD2281P
2 Detailed O Scale Detail Power Generators Perfect for Industry Side or a Industry Railcar Freight Load......they come all Assembled and Painted / weathered for you....instant detailing NOTE: Railcar not included with the Power may utilize your own railcar to mount the Generators on if using for a load

Spin the Model for a FULL 360 degree VIEW BELOW ........USE YOUR MOUSE or Finger TO SPIN AROUND...Enlarge and Decrease picture size with arrow symbol next to picture

Attention to Detail makes a Layout Great....additional Designs below

O Scale Small CONVEYOR Unit, Built Up and Finished
Price: $34.99
O Scale Small CONVEYOR Unit, Built Up and Finished
Great Small Conveyor unit for your Roadside or Trackside / Industry side scenes. Comes all Pre built and layout ready so it's instant for you......just add your coal or crushed stone etc and your scene is ready ! O scale Built Model Designs
O Scale Detail CLAMSHELL BUCKET for cranes / detailing, FINISHED
Price: $23.99
O Scale Detail CLAMSHELL BUCKET for cranes / detailing, FINISHED
CLAMSHELL BUCKET.....Very Popular Industrial earth moving Clamshell bucket. Perfect for Industry cranes / scenes. COMES PRE BUILT and PRE RUSTED to look used and give it character. This O Scale Detail is exclusive through Model Tech Studios LLC