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O Scale GAS, OIL and KEROSENE Cans, PRE FINISHED Variety Pack

Price: $13.99

Item Number: OD2250P

"You have to see the super fine detailing on these !!"

Gas, Kerosene and Oil Cans......

GREAT VARIETY ! Perfect for a Gas Station scene, Industry, Backwoods....Put them in the back of a Truck bed....just great details !! And it's a whole variety of them...all FINISHED in O Scale!

Spin the Model for a FULL 360 degree VIEW BELOW ........USE YOUR MOUSE or Finger TO SPIN AROUND...Enlarge and Decrease picture size with arrow symbol next to picture

Attention to Detail makes a Layout Great....additional Designs below

O Scale Detail Building Side Oil Drum Rack, FULL of Oil Drums PAINTED
Price: $11.99
O Scale Detail Building Side Oil Drum Rack, FULL of Oil Drums PAINTED
O Scale Built Up and Layout Ready.....Building Side Oil Drum Rack, FULL OF OIL DRUMS
O Scale Detail Gas Pump and Air Pump set, Gravity Fed style unpainted
Price: $13.99
O Scale Detail Gas Pump and Air Pump set, Gravity Fed style unpainted
O Scale Detail Gas Pump and Air Pump set, Gravity Fed style unpainted. They come assembled for you...just add on the supplied hoses and your color scheme and they are ready to go. O scale Gas station details by Model Tech Studios LLC
O Scale Small CONVEYOR Unit, Built Up and Finished
Price: $34.99
O Scale Small CONVEYOR Unit, Built Up and Finished
Great Small Conveyor unit for your Roadside or Trackside / Industry side scenes. Comes all Pre built and layout ready so it's instant for you......just add your coal or crushed stone etc and your scene is ready ! O scale Built Model Designs