N Scale Detail, Classic Soda Fountain Counter Scene, Beautiful Piece
N scale Classic Soda Girl. A diner / restaurant staple. Dressed in her pink dress with white apron and serving tray she is ready to get to work in your diners. N scale Figure comes painted and Layout Ready for you.
Matthew, the soda jerk boy. This iconic working youth is detailed down to his "candy striped apron, soda jerk cap, service tray and the soda pop he is serving. No Diner or Fountain scene is complete without the classic soda jerk character. N scale
Detail your Diner, Soda Fountain, Restaurant, Cafe
Includes 2 Large Tables and 2 Small Tables, 2 Double Booths, 2 Sigle Booths, 2 Corner Booths and 2 Eating Figures. Parts come Unfinished. Great N scale Detail Set
Remember the good 'ole days of music? ....these vintage N Scale Detail JUKEBOXES
add that classic touch to your
N Scale Layout detailing amazing detail !!
pre assembled and ready to finish in your color scheme
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