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HO Scale People, The SODA JERK, Finished

Price: $11.49

Item Number: FH488P

Matthew, the soda jerk boy. This iconic working youth is detailed down to his "candy striped apron, soda jerk cap, service tray and the soda pop he is serving.

No Diner or Fountain scene is complete without the classic soda jerk character. HO scale Figures
Soda Fountains go all the way back to the late 1800's and they thrived through 2 world wars. They often served as the social hub for local communities and were either standalone joints or located inside another business such as a drugstore. The soda jerk was an integral character at the soda fountain. He mixed and served pop, ice cream drinks and bottles of pop. They were known for creating all kinds of interesting flavors when mixing drinks....often to keep themselves from getting bored on the job. This is our detailed scale Character of a CLASSIC SODA JERK to finish your scenes !

Attention to Detail makes a Layout Great....additional Designs below

HO Scale People Diner Waitress in Classic outfit Finished Figure
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HO Scale People Diner Waitress in Classic outfit Finished Figure
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HO Scale Detail, Classic Soda Fountain Counter Scene, Beautiful Piece
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HO Scale Detail, Diner or Restaurant Set, Booths, Tables, Eating Figures
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Price: $8.99
HO Scale Detail 1940's-50's era JUKEBOXES (2), Americana Detail Series
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