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N Scale Detail Linear Clutter #1 , Detail in Narrow Linear Rows

Price: $8.99

Item Number: D1150
Over 3 1/2 inches of N Scale Detail LINEAR Clutter....By Modelers Request-- It's LONG & NARROW so it fits easily between tracks, along side a building, or between stalls in an engine facility...for those narrow or Linear spaces ****These come UNFINISHED.......they are easily finished with Craft Store Water Based acrylic paints........ OR they are available PRE FINISHED and Layout Ready for you in our PRE FINISHED CATEGORY on this site ****

Spin the Model for a FULL 360 degree VIEW BELOW ........USE YOUR MOUSE or Finger TO SPIN AROUND...Enlarge and Decrease picture size with arrow symbol next to picture

Attention to Detail makes a Layout Great....additional Designs below

N Scale Detail FREIGHT DOCK CLUTTER Piles, Pack #1
Price: $7.49
N Scale Detail FREIGHT DOCK CLUTTER Piles, Pack #1
N Scale Detail FREIGHT.....and more FREIGHT...........clutter up your scenes with real life detailing.......these bulk clutter pile packs allow you to add dozens of instant details in minutes...
N Scale Detail Industrial FREIGHT CRATES - 4 Pack Variety
Price: $5.00
N Scale Detail Industrial FREIGHT CRATES - 4 Pack Variety
4 Pack of N Scale Detail Crates for Industrial Shipping....perfect on loading docks, platforms, railcars, building side Freight Crates
N Scale Detail ALLEYWAY Clutter Super Piles, Tons of Detailing !!
Price: $7.50
N Scale Detail ALLEYWAY Clutter Super Piles, Tons of Detailing !!
N Scale Detail for your alleyway or roadside Cool 360 Degree Detail View BELOW