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O Scale Blacksmith FORGE, Detail Set

Price: $26.99

Item Number: OD2257
O Scale Blacksmith FORGE, Detail Set includes the Stone Pit, Exhaust Hood and Stack, Water Pail, Anvil and Bellows. Super Detail your Industry scenes, Engine Repair Facility, Logging operation, Farm Blacksmith scene etc. **** Figure Not included with forge set. Forge set comes as Pre Assembled sections so there is no fumbling with small parts...the only construction is hoisting the Hood/stack over the Pit... Parts are Ready to Paint in your color scheme.......colors suggested as well in picture page included with this set. Fast 1 Night FORGE scene for those who enjoy realistic detailing in O Scale ****These come UNFINISHED.......they are easily finished with Craft Store Water Based acrylic paints........ ****Figure NOT included with this set

Attention to Detail makes a Layout Great....additional Designs below

O Scale People, Blacksmith with his tools, Finished
Price: $10.99
O Scale People, Blacksmith with his tools, Finished
The Blacksmith "In action" swinging his hammer and holding his tongs. We also offer the Forge details to complete your blacksmithing scene. O scale Figures by Model Tech Studios LLC
O Scale Logging Figure, The AXE GRINDER set, Finished Set
Price: $29.99
O Scale Logging Figure, The AXE GRINDER set, Finished Set
The Log Company Axe Grinder....He is busy at work to keep the Fellers axes ready to go....his helper cranks the grinding wheel as he is instructed....COMPLETE SET with 2 Finished Figures and Grinding Wheel in O Scale
O Scale GAS, OIL and KEROSENE Cans, PRE FINISHED Variety Pack
Price: $13.99
O Scale GAS, OIL and KEROSENE Cans, PRE FINISHED Variety Pack
GAS, OIL and KEROSENE Cans......GREAT VARIETY ! Perfect for a Gas Station scene, Industry, Backwoods....Put them in the back of a Truck bed....just great details !! And it's a whole variety of them...all FINISHED in O Scale!