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N Scale Detail Industry TRACKSIDE CLUTTER, Pack #2

Price: $5.99

Item Number: D1036
N Scale Detail Trackside piles with pallets
scrap metal, gears, scrap wood
and other industrial detailing needed to make your trackside look real !!
3 unique super detailed piles
****These come UNFINISHED.......they are easily finished with Craft Store Water Based acrylic paints........ OR they are available PRE FINISHED and Layout Ready for you in our PRE FINISHED CATEGORY on this site ****

Attention to Detail makes a Layout Great....additional Designs below

N Scale Detail ALLEYWAY Clutter Super Piles, Tons of Detailing !!
Price: $7.50
N Scale Detail ALLEYWAY Clutter Super Piles, Tons of Detailing !!
N Scale Detail for your alleyway or roadside Cool 360 Degree Detail View BELOW