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N Scale Model Railroad Industrial and Trackside Details

N Scale Layout super detailing created to make your layout come alive.  Details make the difference !! The most unique and creative line in the N Scale Marketplace by Model Tech Studios LLC
Displaying products 1 - 30 of 75 results
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N Scale Detail DERRICK / Jib crane kit, Just paint and rig it
MSRP: $16.99
Price: $14.99
You Save: $2.00 (12 %)
N Scale Detail DERRICK / Jib crane kit, Just paint and rig it
Classic Derrick for freight loading, coal, logging, waterfront operations etc. The Main crane is ALREADY assembled in the box....thats right...all you do is paint and rig it and you're done. N Scale detailed Derrick Crane by Model Tech Studios LLC
N Scale 1920s-30s OIL DRUM Delivery Truck Loaded over 40 Drums FINISHED
Price: $23.99
N Scale 1920s-30s OIL DRUM Delivery Truck Loaded over 40 Drums FINISHED
Tons of Oil Drums on the way to your Factories, Warehouses, Engine Facilities etc. N scale Truck 1920s-30s vintage comes Finished, Detailed and Ready for your N Scale Layout scenes
N Scale 1920s Car Model Rusted out Derelict FINISHED Vehicle
MSRP: $18.99
Price: $17.99
You Save: $1.00 (5 %)
N Scale 1920s Car Model Rusted out Derelict FINISHED Vehicle
Use this Classic old junker in a field, backwoods, trackside, building side, on a flatbed truck being hauled, for sale roadside, Junk many uses with tons of detailing character. Comes heavily weathered N scale Vehicle
N Scale Baggage Wagon LOADS Finished set to detail wagons
Price: $8.99
N Scale Baggage Wagon LOADS Finished set to detail wagons
Super detail your platform Railroad Baggage Wagons. This set includes 2 loads. One with a nice variety of Luggage and trunks and the other with Freight Containers. They come Finished and ready for your N Baggage Wagons on your layout.
N Scale Detail STEAM SHOVEL being hauled on trailer includes TRUCK Finished Set
Price: $79.99
N Scale Detail STEAM SHOVEL being hauled on trailer includes TRUCK Finished Set
The whole Steam Shovel Hauling set. Includes the Vintage Steam Shovel, Custom trailer and Truck Hauling the Machinery. 1/160 scale set comes Finished and Layout Ready for you.
N Scale Traveling Rail Crane, INDUSTRIAL Service Crane Finished Model
Price: $41.99
N Scale Traveling Rail Crane, INDUSTRIAL Service Crane Finished Model
A popular industrial yard traveling rail crane super detail in a Engine facility or roundhouse scene, industry workyard, logging operation. Highly detailed crane system great for your Industrial Scenes...N Scale Crane unit comes Built up and detailed
N Scale INDUSTRIAL Crane w/ Operators Cab, Finished Model
MSRP: $48.99
Price: $41.99
You Save: $7.00 (14 %)
N Scale INDUSTRIAL Crane w/ Operators Cab, Finished Model
N Scale Versatile Crane with Operators Cab, can be mounted on any platform/ground For Barges, Loading Docks, Railcars, Logging Scenes, Scrap Yard N Scale, 1/160, N Gauge, Narrow Gauge Comes all Built, Detailed and Finished for you
N Scale Details, Industry Crane for Loading / Unloading Finished Model
MSRP: $36.99
Price: $31.99
You Save: $5.00 (14 %)
N Scale Details, Industry Crane for Loading / Unloading Finished Model
This great All purpose crane can be utilized on a loading platform, Flatcar or Pier / wharf. Multi purpose in design it's a great small loading crane unit for nearly any application where you need loading or unloading of materials. N scale Crane Model.
N Scale Detail, Work Yard or building side Clutter, 3 pieces come Finished
Price: $9.99
N Scale Detail, Work Yard or building side Clutter, 3 pieces come Finished
Super detailed Work yard, trackside or building side clutter. Includes Can piles, benches, shelving, barrels, full trash can and more. Great pieces to super detail a scene quickly. They come all Painted in N scale.
N Scale Detail Wooden Pallets, Bulk Pack of 20 unpainted
Price: $10.99
N Scale Detail Wooden Pallets, Bulk Pack of 20 unpainted
20 Pack of N scale Wooden Pallets for bulk scene detailing. These come assembled and ready to finish. N scale Details by Model Tech Studios LLC
N Scale Steam Donkey Engine Finished Logging Model
Price: $18.99
N Scale Steam Donkey Engine Finished Logging Model
These were known as the "Work Horses" of the woods. Used well into the 1930's the Steam Donkey made it's home in the backwoods but was also used for Pile Drivers and Construction. This Classic Design is detailed down to the rivet heads. N Scale Design
N Scale Detail CHAIN LINK FENCE, Painted, 48 Scale Feet
Price: $9.29
N Scale Detail CHAIN LINK FENCE, Painted, 48 Scale Feet
Instant N Scale Chain Link Fencing. Comes all assembled and painted for you. Very fine detailing.....the finest N Scale Chain Link fencing available ! 48 linear N scale feet per package.
2024 WINDOW PRO GLAZING, No Fuss Crystal Clear Windows
Price: ON Sale TODAY
2024 WINDOW PRO GLAZING, No Fuss Crystal Clear Windows
No More Fussing with glue on clear styrene and having it fog up from the more fingerprints on your windows...... no more dropping the glass from your tweezers while trying to fit it in ( and not smear it with glue at the same time)
N Scale Blacksmith FORGE, Detail Set
Price: $10.99
N Scale Blacksmith FORGE, Detail Set
N Scale Blacksmith FORGE, Detail Set includes the Stone Pit, Exhaust Hood and Stack, Water Pail, Anvil and Bellows. Super Detail your Industry scenes, Engine Repair Facility, Logging operation, Farm Blacksmith scene etc.
N Scale People, RADIAL ARM SAW and Woodworker, Finished Set
Price: $10.99
N Scale People, RADIAL ARM SAW and Woodworker, Finished Set
The Radial Arm saw and Woodworker. A key tool for any workshop. A piece you don't see modeled but is essential in creating realistic workshop environments. Very fine detailing in N Scale. Comes Finished with the Woodworker as well.
N Scale People, Craftsman at his TABLESAW, Finished Set
Price: $10.99
N Scale People, Craftsman at his TABLESAW, Finished Set
The Craftsman at his Table Saw.......another detailed Power Tool set From our "In Action" workshop detailing series. See all of our hand and Power Tools Set for fine N Scale Industry and workshop super detailing.
N Scale Detail SAWHORSES,6 Pack, Pre Finished
Price: $8.99
N Scale Detail SAWHORSES,6 Pack, Pre Finished
Wooden Sawhorses......N Scale Detail Sawhorse 6 Pack. Detail nearly any scene with Sawhorses. They come Assembled and Finished for you in N Scale.
N Scale BULK Pack of WOODEN Pallets, FINISHED 20 Pack
Price: $12.99
N Scale BULK Pack of WOODEN Pallets, FINISHED 20 Pack
BULK PACK of 20 Wooden Pallets.......they come Finished in N Scale and ready for your scenes....Stack them, use them on a loading dock, next to a building or on a delivery vehicle....Lots of scenes need lots of is your Pack
N Scale Detail STEEL Jib Loading Crane kit, Main Boom Comes assembled
Price: $13.99
N Scale Detail STEEL Jib Loading Crane kit, Main Boom Comes assembled
N Scale Detail STEEL Jib Loading Crane...Perfect for Building Loading Docks, Wharf Loading Crane, Trackside Loading operations....
N Scale vintage 1930's-40's SEDAN Rusting away, Finished
Price: $18.99
N Scale vintage 1930's-40's SEDAN Rusting away, Finished
We've all seen them ... What we call "abandoned America".... In a field with overgrown grass/ weeds.... Or beside an old run down structure or barn .... Or in the backwoods that derelict old vehicle left for dead. Comes Finished in N Scale
N Scale RUST IN PEACE, vintage 1930's-40's Worktruck Rusting away, Finished
Price: $18.99
N Scale RUST IN PEACE, vintage 1930's-40's Worktruck Rusting away, Finished
Spin the Model below in 360 Degrees with your Mouse or Finger
N Scale TRASH CAN Bulk Pack of 16, Finished
Price: $9.99
N Scale TRASH CAN Bulk Pack of 16, Finished
Got Streets ? You need lots of Trash Cans....Here is your pack of 16 for alot of detailing !! Great for Streets, loading docks, Workshops, Engine houses etc. N Scale Finished pack of Trash Cans
N Scale Railcar Old BOILER LOAD, PRE AGED 2 pack
Price: $17.99
N Scale Railcar Old BOILER LOAD, PRE AGED 2 pack
Great Industrial Rail Load !! Old Time Boilers in Rail Transit.....these 2 old boilers make a unique Railcar load. They come painted and ready to mount on your favorite flatcar. N Scale Finished Models
N Scale Detail Fire Escapes, Building side Escapes, 12 story pack SALE OFFER
Price: $29.99
N Scale Detail Fire Escapes, Building side Escapes, 12 story pack SALE OFFER
12 stories SPECIAL OFFER of N Scale Detail Iron Fire Escapes to super detail your building side....includes landing, railing's, support brackets and escape ladders add the real life detailing your structures are missing with our N scale fire escapes
N Scale ROTATING-Roof Vent, Operational 2 PACK SALE
Price: $26.99
N Scale ROTATING-Roof Vent, Operational 2 PACK SALE
SALE...2 PACK SPECIAL VIP OFFER....YES it spins just like the real thing !! ANIMATE your rooftops and make them look real. This vent just requires a 1/8" hole to be tapped in your rooftop
N Scale DragLine Bucket, Comes Pre Rusted
Price: $17.99
N Scale DragLine Bucket, Comes Pre Rusted
we designed these because there is nothing on the market that addresses a larger earth moving bucket commonly used in civil engineering for road, port construction....pond and canal dredging and as pile driving rigs. Perfect for cranes, RailCar Loads etc
N Scale ROTATING-Roof Vent, Operational Just like real
Price: $16.99
N Scale ROTATING-Roof Vent, Operational Just like real
YES it spins just like the real thing !! ANIMATE your rooftops and make them look real. This vent just requires a 1/8" hole to be tapped in your rooftop and you can install an Real operating/spinning vent on your rooftop. Our Animated Detail line
N Scale Building Side LP Fuel Tanks, 2 pack
Price: $6.99
N Scale Building Side LP Fuel Tanks, 2 pack
2 Pack N Scale Building Side Liquid Propane Tank Supply your structures with natural gas.....real life detailing that makes your layout standout
N Scale Detail WORKBENCHES, Tools and Hardware benches
Price: $7.99
N Scale Detail WORKBENCHES, Tools and Hardware benches
This N Scale Detail Set of Workbenches is littered with hand tools and lots of workshop hardware drawer detailing....perfect detail for the busy workshop or industry / engine facility scene.
N Scale Detail NEWSPAPER STACKS, The Daily News, 4 Stacks
Price: $5.99
N Scale Detail NEWSPAPER STACKS, The Daily News, 4 Stacks
READ ALL ABOUT IT.....The daily newspapers getting delivered to your local business and general stores... Detail your sidewalks with stacks of newspapers. Also a great Train Platform detail for a News vendor scene. N Scale Detail 4 stacks of Papers
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