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N Scale Details Log Piles unpainted detail pack

Price: $8.99

Item Number: D1272
N Scale Details Log Piles unpainted detail pack
includes 2 Log Piles and 2 Loose Logs
N Scale Logs, N Log Piles, N scale Logging, 1/160 details, N scale Detail, N Accessories

Attention to Detail makes a Layout Great....additional Designs below

N Scale Logging Steam Skidder Loader Finished Steam Era Model
Price: $49.99
N Scale Logging Steam Skidder Loader Finished Steam Era Model
N Scale Logging Steam Donkey Skidder - Loader Finished Model. Modeling a Backwoods Logging Scene ? This highly detailed large skidder - Loader will make your logging operations come to life. Built up model in 1/160 N scale
N Scale Logging Figures, LumberJack SPRINGBOARD TEAM, Finished Set
Price: $11.99
N Scale Logging Figures, LumberJack SPRINGBOARD TEAM, Finished Set
Father and Son Lumberjack Team....High up on their SpringBoards undercutting a tree.....Use this 2 man N Scale cutting team up in a tree or on the ground crosscutting....great set for any logging scene !!
N Scale Logging Figure, The Tree Topper / High Climber, Finished
Price: $9.99
N Scale Logging Figure, The Tree Topper / High Climber, Finished
The Iconic LumberJack /High Climber or Tree Topper as they were known. Every Logging company had men who "went up the trees" to top them for Spars used in their logging operations. Includes the saw and Axe and Rope. N Scale Classic Logging Figure Series