N Scale Super Detailing........ We make the most unique N Scale Detail series available.......creative and prototype detailing to make your N Scale Layout standout. New Details are being created every month.
Model Tech Studios offers Model Railroad Details and accessories for N Scale Model Railroaders worldwide. New Model Railroad Structures and Details are released every month to create the most detailed Model Railroad Scen
Model Tech Studios offers N scale Model Railroad Built up Building's and Detail accessories for N Model Railroader worldwide. New N Scale Model Railroad Structures and Details are released every month to create the most detailed N scale Model Railroad
Model Tech Studios offers Model Railroad Kits and Detail accessories for N Scale Model Railroaders worldwide. New Model Railroad Structures and Details are released every month to create the most detailed Model Railroad Scen
Got Streets ? You need lots of Trash Cans....Here is your pack of 16 for alot of detailing !! Great for Streets, loading docks, Workshops, Engine houses etc. N Scale Finished pack of Trash Cans
Great Industrial Rail Load !!
Old Time Boilers in Rail Transit.....these 2 old boilers make a unique Railcar load. They come painted and ready to mount on your favorite flatcar. N Scale Finished Models
Spin the Model Below in 360 Degrees with your Mouse or Finger to view
N Scale Detail Vending Machine Variety super detailed selection of
vintage machines from the 1930's-40's era including,
The Cigarette Vending Machine,
The Candy Vending Machine,
Soda Pop Vending Machines (2),
Unique N Scale Detailing !!
Saftey first !! Classic Fire Extinguishers for your Structures, Ships, Engine Facilities. They come Pre Finished too. N Scale Super Detailing
Spin the model below with your Mouse or Finger to see it in 360 degrees
Classic Wood Water Tanks....3 Pack for use building side or rooftop. INSTANT additions as they come Pre Weathered too. !! N Scale Super Detailing
Approx 1/2" Diameter x 5/8" HT
Great Small Conveyor unit for your Roadside or Trackside / Industry side scenes. Comes all Pre built and layout ready so it's instant for you......just add your coal or crushed stone etc and your scene is ready ! N scale Built Model Designs
A 2 pack N Scale Detail with 1 Generator and 1 Compressor portable units
These Units come already Assembled and Finished for you
you need lots of N Scale Fire Hydrants
BULK Pack of 15 detailed Hydrants available
direct only through Model Tech Studios LLC
12 stories SPECIAL OFFER of N Scale Detail Iron Fire Escapes to super detail your building side....includes landing, railing's, support brackets and escape ladders
add the real life detailing your structures are missing with our N scale fire escapes
SALE...2 PACK SPECIAL VIP OFFER....YES it spins just like the real thing !! ANIMATE your rooftops and make them look real. This vent just requires a 1/8" hole to be tapped in your rooftop
YES it spins just like the real thing !! ANIMATE your rooftops and make them look real. This vent just requires a 1/8" hole to be tapped in your rooftop and you can install an Real operating/spinning vent on your rooftop. Our Animated Detail line
N Scale PARTS BINS, Style #2 in our Series
Filled with Cardboard Parts bins....these industrial, workshop or warehouse style parts are the perfect compliment to our Workbench and Workshelving series detailing.
N Scale PARTS BINS, Loaded, Style #1 in our Series
Filled with mechanical details and hardware....these industrial, workshop or warehouse style parts are the perfect compliment to our Workbench and Workshelving series detailing.
2 N Scale Detail CORNER SHELVING....fits right in a 90 degree corner perfectly.....don't forget to detail in the corners of buildings or intersections of buildings...slide these right in....
2 Pack
N Scale Building Side Liquid Propane Tank
Supply your structures with natural gas.....real life detailing
that makes your layout standout
READ ALL ABOUT IT.....The daily newspapers getting delivered to your local business and general stores...
Detail your sidewalks with stacks of newspapers. Also a great Train Platform detail for a News vendor scene.
N Scale Detail 4 stacks of Papers
This N Scale Detail Set of Workbenches is littered with hand tools and lots of workshop hardware drawer detailing....perfect detail for the busy workshop or industry / engine facility scene.
READ ALL ABOUT IT.....The daily newspapers getting delivered to your local business and general stores...
Detail your sidewalks with stacks of newspapers. Also a great Train Platform detail for a News vendor scene.
N Scale Detail 4 stacks of Papers
NEW DESIGN !! N Scale Detail Old Time Super detailed workbenches...very detailed for your workshops, engine facilities, industrial structures and more
INSTANT Wall Exhaust......add these FANS right onto your Industry structure walls to create venting and add real life detailing to your building's
N Scale Details for Industry
Got Building Walls ? VENT them.......this Variety Pack includes Wall Ducts, Wall Louvers and Wall Exhaust Fans to super detail your building exteriors.
These N Scale Details will Super Detail your Industry Structures !!
Produce Sales bins with PUMPKINS, MELONS and WATERMELONS.......includes graphic lettering decals for each individual bin........Perfect Roadside Marketplace vending N Scale Detail
N Scale Detail Wooden Industry shipping Pallets with LOADS. Loads with Crates, GEARS, Drums etc. Perfect for your Industrial loading docks, Building side detailing, Freight car or Vehicle detailing, Engine facility detailing.
This N Scale Detail is where your Building's Mechanical Room / Rooftop mechanical gets accessed. Also used as a Mechanical Chase as certain vents get routed up the walls to the rooftop.
over 75 details Make a trackside focul point scene with great N Scale Detail
This is "that shack" you see track - roadside that has clutter all around it....
This old handymans shack surrounded by lots of collected junk / garbage and old wood fencing
N Scale Building side Detail Loading dock for your building's....includes ramp for ground use or up to a loading door and all the super details to make it look like a "in use" dock with a delivery on hand
Approx 2.5" Long x 1.2" Wide x 1/4" H
Take out of the box, Plastic looking Rollingstock and give it a makeover.....make it look "Roadworthy"......grimy and rusty with this set...it can transform the look of your fleet quickly
Popular N Scale Kit of a Period Public SCHOOL BUS....These were very Popular City Style School Buses for larger Districts. Room to add a specific city name to the bus side to add further character if you wish...MAKE AN ENTIRE BUS FLEET