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NEWSPAPERS, Multi-Scale Use

Price: $4.00

Item Number: DT0046
Cut detailed newspapers to any scale size desired........dozens of NEWSPAPERS out of 1 package.......detail your streets with garbage such as discarded newspapers.....

Attention to Detail makes a Layout Great....additional Designs below

Aging Solution, ALL Material Use to add Age & Character
Price: $9.49
Aging Solution, ALL Material Use to add Age & Character
Weathering Solution, applies to most materials to tone down colors and accent fine detailing Use on Plastic, Wood or Metal even Plaster...Weather your Rollingstock Structures and Details easily simple Brush application
#1 Modelers Glue, You get 4 FULL Tubes of the best model Glue available
Price: $13.99
#1 Modelers Glue, You get 4 FULL Tubes of the best model Glue available
4 tubes of the best glue we have ever seen.......this is a must if you do alot of building and want to work right along on projects without long curing times and parts detaching