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HO Scale Model Railroad WaterFront Kits and Details

HO Scale WaterFront Kits and Super Detailing Accesories including Waterline Ships, Both Dock and Land Structures, Ship and Accessories, Waterside Detailing and more

"Introducing our New HO Scale FIGURE Series...Very Unique and Creative Characters for your Scenes"

Displaying products 91 - 120 of 144 results
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HO Scale Waterfront Details LOBSTER TRAPS 10 Square Style
Price: $6.00
HO Scale Waterfront Details LOBSTER TRAPS 10 Square Style
10 Square top style Lobster Traps.......come assembled and ready to weather up....... metal cast
HO Scale Waterfront Details LOBSTER TRAPS, 10 Round topTraps
Price: $6.00
HO Scale Waterfront Details LOBSTER TRAPS, 10 Round topTraps
10 Round top style Lobster Traps.......come assembled and ready to weather up....... Metal Cast.....Picture shows a "stack of Round top" so you can see the style these are 10 individual traps that can be stacked or spread around
HO Scale Waterfront Details LOBSTER TRAP PILES
Price: $8.00
HO Scale Waterfront Details LOBSTER TRAP PILES
OVER 35 TRAPS stacked.... Great on the Dock....Great on Land DETAIL IN Bulk......when you look Water side you see lots and lots of Lobster Traps....... here is your pack to simulate that !!
HO Scale Waterfront Details LIFE RINGS 4 Pack
Price: $7.99
HO Scale Waterfront Details LIFE RINGS 4 Pack
6 pack of LIFE RINGS .....various styles
HO Scale Waterfront Details WATERFRONT CLUTTER Super Pile
Price: $7.00
HO Scale Waterfront Details WATERFRONT CLUTTER Super Pile
Waterside CLUTTER PILES.....turned over boat, traps, oar, buoys, boxes great waterside Detail pile !!
HO Scale Waterfront Details Floating DOCK with "Slips"
Price: $16.00
HO Scale Waterfront Details Floating DOCK with "Slips"
includes cleats.....Use this for a "slip" dock for rowboats/pleasure crafts compliments a larger can add a ramp down onto this floating dock from a main dock as well
HO Scale Waterfront Details FISH CATCH NET
Price: $3.50
HO Scale Waterfront Details FISH CATCH NET
Fish Catch Net / Fishing net
HO Scale Waterfront Details DOCK Support Piling’s
Price: $5.50
HO Scale Waterfront Details DOCK Support Piling’s
These go under the dock Stringer Beam for the main structural supports they set your dock height accurately out of the water Complete with rope banding's, barnicles and wood graining picture shows the range of Piles available for use on docks
HO Scale Waterfront Details DOCK Stringer-Support Piling’s
Price: $5.50
HO Scale Waterfront Details DOCK Stringer-Support Piling’s
edge supports 6 PACK These support the edge of the dock and accurately set the dock height for you Complete with rope bandings and barnicles at waterline
HO Scale Waterfront Details Dock Single Piling’s
Price: $5.00
HO Scale Waterfront Details Dock Single Piling’s
DOCK PILINGS ...Used for Floating Docks or small harbor/lakeside docks with barnicles and wood graining
HO Scale Waterfront Details DOCK CLEATS
MSRP: $8.99
Price: $7.99
You Save: $1.00 (11 %)
HO Scale Waterfront Details DOCK CLEATS
8 Pack of DOCK CLEATS for the edge of your dock or land....for use in securing boats/ships to the dock or land
HO Scale Waterfront Details DOCK BOLLARDS
Price: $8.99
HO Scale Waterfront Details DOCK BOLLARDS
8 pack of DOCK BOLLARDS - Rope tie off- boat tie off bollards position near the edge of your dock or land for tie up
HO Scale Waterfront Details Daybeacon Water Safety Markers
MSRP: $4.00
Price: $3.50
You Save: $0.50 (13 %)
HO Scale Waterfront Details Daybeacon Water Safety Markers
FULL COLOR SIGNS Odd or Even Kits ( Red- Green) to mark either side of the waterway Boat/Water Directional Markers indicate the entry into the harbor area
HO Scale Waterfront Details CHANNEL MARKER
Price: $9.99
HO Scale Waterfront Details CHANNEL MARKER
REAL WORKING Light, Waterline Channel Marker kit Easy assembly with plastic parts.......1 night project..... may be finished in Red, Green or Black
HO Scale Waterfront Details BOAT OARS Pack
Price: $4.99
HO Scale Waterfront Details BOAT OARS Pack
6 pack of Boat OARS, great for row boat scenes in a lake, river or harbor.... also lean them against a building or use as deck detailing on a ship/ lifeboat.....
HO Scale Waterfront Details SEAGULLS, Flying & Sitting 7 Pack
Price: $7.99
HO Scale Waterfront Details SEAGULLS, Flying & Sitting 7 Pack
7 pack of FLYING & SITTING Seagulls......have them taking off from a rooftop or the water.......great building and land detailing !!
HO Scale Rooftop Detail Weathervane WHALE
Price: $4.75
HO Scale Rooftop Detail Weathervane WHALE
HO Scale Rooftop Detail WHALE Weathervane Style.....note eagle shown in picture here **other styles that are also available are are shown** Pack contains 1 HO weathervane
HO Scale Rooftop Detail Weathervane SEAGULL
Price: $4.75
HO Scale Rooftop Detail Weathervane SEAGULL
HO Scale Rooftop Detail SEAGULL Weathervane Style.....note eagle shown in picture here **other styles that are also available are are shown** Pack contains 1 HO Rooftop weathervane
HO Scale Rooftop Detail Weathervane SAILBOAT
Price: $4.75
HO Scale Rooftop Detail Weathervane SAILBOAT
HO Scale Rooftop Detail SAILBOAT Weathervane Style.....note eagle shown in picture here **other styles that are also available are are shown** Pack contains 1 HO Rooftop weathervane
HO Scale Rooftop Detail Weathervane LOBSTER
Price: $4.75
HO Scale Rooftop Detail Weathervane LOBSTER
HO Scale Rooftop Detail LOBSTER Weathervane Style.....note eagle shown in picture here **other styles that are also available are are shown** Pack contains 1 HO Rooftop weathervan
HO Scale Rooftop Detail Weathervane CLIPPER SHIP
Price: $4.75
HO Scale Rooftop Detail Weathervane CLIPPER SHIP
HO Scale Rooftop Detail Clipper Ship Weathervane Style.....note eagle shown in picture here **other styles that are also available are are shown** Pack contains 1 HO Rooftop weathervane
HO Scale Detail Coiled Ropes variety
Price: $4.50
HO Scale Detail Coiled Ropes variety
6 pack of assorted HO Scale Detail Coiled Up Ropes Great for Decks of Boats, Loading Docks, Piers HO Scale Details by Model Tech Studios LLC
HO Scale Boat Series, Small Harbor Tug Boat kit
Price: $41.99
HO Scale Boat Series, Small Harbor Tug Boat kit
Super detailed with running lights, bumpers, life rings, horn, search light, deck bitts.......OPTIONAL work boom can be built on (SHOWN here in the image) or it can be left off The Hull comes Pre-Assembled and detailed for you FOOTPRINT approx 5" L
HO Scale Boat Series, WORK BARGE with boom kit
Price: $22.00
HO Scale Boat Series, WORK BARGE with boom kit
Compact 3” FOOTPRINT Hull Comes Assembled for you detailed down to non skid on the deck
HO Scale WaterLine Workboat 2 MASTED SCHOONER Lumber Load Pack
Price: $11.00
HO Scale WaterLine Workboat 2 MASTED SCHOONER Lumber Load Pack
Pre Assembled Lumber Loads for SCHOONER Work boat
HO Scale WaterLine Series- CLIPPER BOW Fishing Workboat
Price: $90.00
HO Scale WaterLine Series- CLIPPER BOW Fishing Workboat
FOOTPRINT Hulll approx 6.5" L Highly detailed CLIPPER BOW boat detailed down to the interior pilot house detailing... davit, ships wheel, running lights, grab irons......a REAL workboat feel !! We make our designs more 3-D and more detailed.......
HO Scale Boat Series, the LOBSTER BOAT kit
Price: $70.00
HO Scale Boat Series, the LOBSTER BOAT kit
Highly detailed Lobster Work boat detailed down to the lobster pots, davit, ships wheel, running lights, grab irons......a REAL work boat feel !! We make our designs more 3-D and more detailed.......includes work deck detailing that the lobsterman use
HO Scale Boat Series, Commercial Fishermans SKIFF kit
Price: $13.99
HO Scale Boat Series, Commercial Fishermans SKIFF kit
Classic Motorboat FISHERMANS SKIFF. Widely used offshore fishing boat used in commercial fishing operations....great for open water or at a Dock. HO waterline kit.....HULL approx 2.5 " L The Hull Comes Pre-Assembled and detailed for you already
HO Scale WaterLine Series - Fishing Workboat DRAGGER Style #2
Price: $85.00
HO Scale WaterLine Series - Fishing Workboat DRAGGER Style #2
FOOTPRINT approx hull 9 " L FISHING Dragger, Waterline Boat Series The Hull Comes Pre-Assembled & Detailed for you INCLUDES interior pilot house detailing.....ships wheel, life rings, blocks, bitts........our ships are more 3-D in their detailing...
HO Scale WaterLine Series - Fishing Workboat DRAGGER Style #1
Price: $85.00
HO Scale WaterLine Series - Fishing Workboat DRAGGER Style #1
INCLUDES interior pilot house detailing.....ships wheel, radios compass........our ships are more 3-D in their detailing.....right down to the buckets of fish on the deck......we develop more super detailing to make better finished models.......
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