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S Scale Small CONVEYOR Unit, Built Up and Finished

Price: $34.99

Item Number: SD310P
Great Small Conveyor unit for your Roadside or Trackside Industry side scenes. Comes all Pre built and layout ready so it's instant for you......just add your coal or crushed stone etc and your scene is ready ! S scale Built Model Designs

Attention to Detail makes a Layout Great....additional Designs below

O Scale COAL Sack Variety Pack, Finished
Price: $11.49
O Scale COAL Sack Variety Pack, Finished
COAL....COAL....COAL...this super VARIETY pack gives you the full spectrum of Coal Sacks ! Includes Open Sacks filled with coal, Closed sacks, one tipped over and spilling on the ground and a small "cluster" of sacks. Great Variety for your O scenes !
O Scale People, COAL Worker, Lugging Coal Sack on back, Finished
Price: $11.49
O Scale People, COAL Worker, Lugging Coal Sack on back, Finished
This Laborer busily Lugs a Full Sack of COAL on his back ! Great "In action" figure with his feet "in motion" as he carries the loaded sack. Perfect for Coaling scenes, Locomotive scenes, Shops that use Coal, Home Coal Delivery scenes etc. O scale