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HO Scale Detail PICNIC TABLES 6 pack

Price: $8.00

Item Number: D0138
6 Pack of HO Scale Detail Picnic Tables......PRE MILLED for fast assembly
1 night build up to add to your scenes
**** These details are Unfinished....easily finished with "water based" acrylic paints available at craft stores

Attention to Detail makes a Layout Great....additional Designs below

HO Scale Kit Roadside HOT DOG ROADSIDE Vendor
Price: $8.99
HO Scale Kit Roadside HOT DOG ROADSIDE Vendor
"Get your Franks here" Roadside vendor includes the hot dog cart, umbrella and 2 roadside sign boards... the perfect foreground small roadside scene for your street. to expand the vendor scene also see our HO Scale Kit Vendor Pushcarts Pack
HO Scale Kit LUNCH WAGON-- Roadside Food Vendor
Price: $13.99
HO Scale Kit LUNCH WAGON-- Roadside Food Vendor
Get in Line for tasty treats....Great Roadside detail or to pull behind an auto in a scene...Fast assembly...pre cut parts interior counters and positionable...door and windows Precision laser cut HO Scale kit with custom signs and tire casting's