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HO scale Detail SACK Linear Piles with 60 sacks stacked Pre Painted

Price: $10.99

Item Number: D0473P
HO scale Detail SACK Linear Piles with 60 sacks stacked Pre Painted. Includes a larger and smaller Linear Pile.
Perfect for along a building wall or loading dock.
HO scale sacks come Pre finished for you.
NOTES: Finishes can vary slightly as these are individually weathered. Made in the USA
HO scale sacks, 1/87 sacks, HO gauge sack, HO scale details, HO sack detailing, HO gauge details, Model Railroad details

Attention to Detail makes a Layout Great....additional Designs below

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HO Scale Detail Freight Dock BOX PILES, over 24 boxes,PRE AGED and Layout Ready
Price: $10.99
HO Scale Detail Freight Dock BOX PILES, over 24 boxes,PRE  AGED and Layout Ready
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