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O Scale COAL Sack Variety Pack, Finished

Price: $11.49

Item Number: OD2267P

COAL....COAL....COAL...this super VARIETY pack

gives you the full spectrum of Coal Sacks ! Includes Open Sacks filled with coal, Closed sacks, one tipped over and spilling on the ground and a small "cluster" of sacks. Great Variety for your O scale scenes !
Nice Detailing down to the "wrinkles" on the sacks

Designed to give you the Full Variety in one pack that you would see in scenes

Spin the Model for a FULL 360 degree VIEW BELOW ........USE YOUR MOUSE or Finger TO SPIN AROUND...Enlarge and Decrease picture size with arrow symbol next to picture

Attention to Detail makes a Layout Great....additional Designs below

O Scale People, COAL Worker, Lugging Coal Sack on back, Finished
Price: $11.49
O Scale People, COAL Worker, Lugging Coal Sack on back, Finished
This Laborer busily Lugs a Full Sack of COAL on his back ! Great "In action" figure with his feet "in motion" as he carries the loaded sack. Perfect for Coaling scenes, Locomotive scenes, Shops that use Coal, Home Coal Delivery scenes etc. O scale
O Scale People, Workshop "In Action" Sawing, Finished Set
Price: $14.99
O Scale People, Workshop "In Action" Sawing, Finished Set
SAWING....SAWING...SAWING... IN ACTION sawing Workshop figure, O Finished (includes Sawhorse too), O Finished Figure and Sawhorse with saw too ! Many "workshop" figures you see on layouts are just standing around not "doing" anything....
O Scale Small CONVEYOR Unit, Built Up and Finished
Price: $34.99
O Scale Small CONVEYOR Unit, Built Up and Finished
Great Small Conveyor unit for your Roadside or Trackside / Industry side scenes. Comes all Pre built and layout ready so it's instant for you......just add your coal or crushed stone etc and your scene is ready ! O scale Built Model Designs