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HO Scale Boat Series, Cabin Cruiser #1 kit

Price: $24.99

Item Number: S0199
This classic Cabin Cruiser kit is nicely detailed and simple to finish with a detailed PRE ASSEMBLED HULL
and Pre Milled detailing parts that make it fun and fast to get a Cruiser in your scenes.
Hull is approx 3 inches long
Kit requires assembly and finishing which we make fast and easy for you.

SEE OUR other unique small boats below on this page

Attention to Detail makes a Layout Great....additional Designs below

HO Scale Waterline DayCruiser Boat kit
Price: $19.99
HO Scale Waterline DayCruiser Boat kit
A classic Day Cruiser HO Scale Model boat. This is a waterline kit so it fits right in your waterways. The hull is pre assembled so there is no clunky hull assembly required. HO Scale Boat kits by Model Tech Studios LLC
HO Scale Boat Series, Center Console Fishing Boat kit
Price: $18.99
HO Scale Boat Series, Center Console Fishing Boat kit
The Center Console Fishing boat kit is a detailed simple assembly that will give your waterfront a boat not seen on layouts very often. Center consoles are a staple of waterfront fishing scenes and deserve a place in your waterfront detailing.
HO Scale Boat Series - Classic Steam Launch Detailed Kit
Price: $36.99
HO Scale Boat Series - Classic Steam Launch Detailed Kit
A Waterfront Classic ! The Steam Launch...The kit includes a Pre Assembled and detailed Hull, Detailed Boiler and Ships wheel. It is detailed down to the Scallop trimwork and even the waving flag on the bow. A Classic small wooden craft.