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N Scale Boat BASS Fishing Boat hull comes assembled unpainted kit

Price: $14.99

Item Number: JN1382
N Scale Boat BASS Fishing Boat hull comes assembled unpainted kit. Hull comes all pre detailed just attach the steering wheel and outboard motor and your
boat is ready to finish in your color scheme. Fast and Simple Bass Boat
overall length approx 1.39" long, waterline hull model
N Scale Boat, N bass boat, N fishing boat, 1/160 boat, N boat kit, N fisherman

Attention to Detail makes a Layout Great....additional Designs below

N Scale Boat Series, Center Console Fishing Boat kit
Price: $14.99
N Scale Boat Series, Center Console Fishing Boat kit
The Center Console Fishing boat N scale kit is detailed and simple assembly that will give your waterfront a boat not seen on layouts very often. Center consoles are a staple of waterfront fishing scenes and deserve a place in your waterfront detailing.
N Scale Boat Series, RUNABOUT Kit with HARD TOP
Price: $10.99
N Scale Boat Series, RUNABOUT Kit with HARD TOP
HardTop Classic Wooden Runabout kit to detail your Harbor or Dock Scenes. N waterline kit.....HULL approx 1.25 " L The Hull Comes Pre-Assembled and detailed for you already with fine laser details FAST and fun 1 night finish