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2018 HO Scale Detail Bulk Pack of RUSTIC STONE WALLS over 4 feet

Price: $19.99

Item Number: D0128SS
OVER 4 feet of Stone walls
includes 90 degree corners
short and long straight sections
Roadside...countryside &
building side and trackside stone use.... **** These details are Unfinished....easily finished with "water based" acrylic paints available at craft stores

Attention to Detail makes a Layout Great....additional Designs below

HO Scale Detail FENCING - Old and Rustic Wooden Fencing
Price: $9.99
HO Scale Detail FENCING - Old and Rustic Wooden Fencing
THIS FENCING HAS CHARACTER !! it shows the test of time out in the elements.....designed to look "used" - "old" Realistic OLD - RUSTIC wooden style fencing Comes in Pre Assembled HO Scale lengths.....over 15 inches per Detail package