N Scale Kit 1940's-50's Era Double Decker BUS, Style #2
Popular N Scale Kit of a Period Public SCHOOL BUS.... detailed down to the gas fill, vents, Bus marquee, headlights etc. Room to add a specific city name to the bus side to add further character if you wish...MAKE AN ENTIRE BUS FLEET
In every Well Detailed City !! N Scale Kit of a Terminal..1 port holds up to 8 buses (4 per side)...it is also MODULAR so you can abut another to expand it for larger city scenes. Detailed down to the Benches, Trashcans, Bathrooms, Lights and Decal set
Popular and HARD TO FIND Period N Scale Kit City Transit BUS......detailed down to the gas fill, vents, destination marquee, headlights etc. Room to add a specific city name to the bus side to add further character if you wish....MAKE AN ENTIRE BUS FLEET